Project: GitHub Setup
Throughout the program, you'll work on a lot of projects. GitHub is a free service to store and share them. Professional developers use it to host their code, collaborate, and track all the changes over time. You'll frequently be asked to show your work during the interview process, so a well maintained GitHub account can be more important than a good looking resume.
From now on, you'll use GitHub to submit code for all your assignments and I'll use it to provide feedback.
- Go to and sign up for an account if you don't have one already.
- Make sure to use a personal email address. You'll lose access to your school email when you graduate and you'll still want access to all your code.
- Since you plan on sharing code with potential employers, choose your username wisely.
- Complete the Hello-World GitHub Guide.
- You'll learn how to create a repository, a storage space for a project, and use other features through the website's interface.
- Make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Some things can't be undone.
- If you don't understand all the terms, don't worry. We'll practice it more later.
- Completing the Hello World teaches you one way to make a repository on GitHub, now you're going to learn a second called forking:
- Creating a "fork" is producing a personal copy of someone else's project. We'll do this a lot to get starter code for projects or to work on each other's projects.
- Go to this repository that I've set it up on my GitHub account.
In the top right of the window, click the Fork button. Once it's done working, you'll have a copy on your account.
- This is a place for you to submit small assignments throughout the year. You can add your own notes and code here, too.
- In the list of files and folders, click the folder for 105, then click the file called
- Now click the pencil icon to Edit this file.
- This is where you can write your answers to this week's assessment questions.
- The
file extension makes it a Markdown file. - You can use Markdown formatting if you want, or you can keep it simple with plain text.
- Answer the questions on the course page and make sure you follow the requirements.
- The
When you're done with the project and writing your assessment, send me a link to your repository in Slack as a private message. The link should look like
. Congrats! You finished the first week's project and assessment!
- 5 pts for completing each step of the Hello World guide correctly.
- 5 pts for completing each step of CSET repo correctly.
- 5 pts for submitting the correct link on time.