CSET-105 Intro to Web Applications

Week 2: Controlling the Flow of a Program

Main Objective: Learn the basic building blocks of all programming languages to solve simple algorithms.


  1. Building Blocks of a Program
  2. Review and discussion of Chapter 2
  3. Syntax vs Style


The graded project this week is on problem solving using our basic building block algorithms. Go to the repl.it classroom and complete three Wk 2: Project Problems. Everyone must complete problem A and B, but you can choose which version of problem C you solve based on your level of comfort this week. Here is the grading breakdown for each problem:


Go to your cset repo on GitHub and create a new file in the 105 folder called assessment-2.md. Add your answers to the following questions to the file and "commit" them to GitHub. Here are the guidelines if you forget them.


More Resources: