class: middle
.eight[Intro to Web Applications]
# Syntax vs Style --- # Contents: - [What's the difference?](#difference) - [Naming Variables](#naming) - [Semi-Colons](#semi-colons) - [New Lines](#new-lines) - [Curly Brackets](#curly-brackets) - [Indenting Code](#indenting) - [Spacing Code](#spacing) - [Parentheses](#parentheses) - [Professional Style Guides](#style-guides) --- name: difference # What's the difference? - Syntax: .eight[rules of the language] - Style: .eight[conventions of the language] - Broken syntax rules lead to broken programs. -- - Broken style rules lead to broken _understanding_. -- .eleven[Syntax is for machines. Style is for us.] --- name: naming # Naming Variables - Any word, including alphabetical and numeric characters - Can include `$` and `_`, but no other special characters - Can't _start_ with numeric character - Can't be a reserved keyword, like `for` or `new` If you forget these rules, the program will break and the error will tell you. --- # Naming Style - Use names with meaning: `counter` is more helpful than `x` - Use `camelCase` for more than one word for readability -- - Special things start with capital letters: `Number` and `Math` -- - Other special things start with underscore --- # Assignment - You can assign multiple variables on one comma-separated line - Usually best to separate the different ideas ``` // okay let one = 'A', two = 'B'; // better let user = "Zach"; let loggedIn = true; ``` --- name: semi-colons # Semi-Colons - Used to separate statements, complete thoughts of code - JS will add missing semi-colons while it's running -- - Problem: lines .eleven[!=] statements -- - Can put many statements on one line - Can split long statements into many lines --- # Semi-Colon Errors Two Types: - JS combines two lines into one statement, instead of your intended two statements - JS break two lines into two statements, instead of your intended one statement Always adding semi-colons prevents the first error. --- # Semi-Colon Usage Correct syntax: ``` let number = 10; console.log(number); number += 5; let novel = "Once upon a time ..." + "... they lived happily ever after"; ``` --- # Semi-Colon Usage Bad style: ``` console.log ('hello') ``` Bad syntax: ``` return "really long line..."; ``` --- count: false # Semi-Colon Usage Bad style: ``` console.log ('hello'); ``` Bad syntax: ``` return undefined; "really long line..."; ``` --- name: new-lines # New Lines - After semi-colons - After open curly brackets - When you need to split up long lines Suggestion: Add an extra empty line to create sections of code and separate ideas. --- name: curly-brackets # Curly Brackets - Used to group any number of statements into one, called a block - Not needed for one statement, but good practice - Conditionals, Loops, and more make use of blocks - Open the bracket at the start of the block - Close the bracket on new line at end --- # Curly Brackets ``` block { statements; } ``` --- count: false # Curly Brackets ``` block { statements; } block { } ``` Chained blocks should start on same line that the previous block ended. --- name: indenting # Indenting Code - Helps visually represent the structure of the code - JS usually uses 2 space _characters_ -- - Tab key might create space characters, depending on editor settings - Tab character is variable width, depending on settings -- I don't care which, as long as you're **consistent** about using the same character. --- name: spacing # Spacing Code - Not counting indentation, spaces are used to separate pieces of code - JS uses these space characters to stop translating one idea and start the next - Extra spaces can make things more readable --- # Spacing Code Around operators: ``` (2 * 3) - 1 === 5; ``` Between block keywords and brackets: ``` if (true) { do { ``` --- name: parentheses # Parentheses - Needed for some block keywords - Needed for reordering operators - Needed for _calling_ functions - Extra parentheses are useless --- # Parenthesis For calling functions: ``` prompt("What's your name?"); ``` Useless parentheses: ``` let number = (4 * 10); if ((3 > 2) && (2 > 1)) { ``` --- name: style-guides # Professional Style Guides - [Google]( - [Airbnb]( - [jQuery]( Companies and big projects use them to stay consistent, regardless of the number of developers. --- # Comparing Company Style Rules From bad to good: - No rules - Unwritten rules - Documented rules - Automatic tools --- count: false # Comparing Company Style Rules From bad to good: - No rules: confusing, free-for-all - Unwritten rules - Documented rules - Automatic tools --- count: false # Comparing Company Style Rules From bad to good: - No rules: confusing, free-for-all - Unwritten rules: nitpicky reviews, not fixing real problems - Documented rules - Automatic tools --- count: false # Comparing Company Style Rules From bad to good: - No rules: confusing, free-for-all - Unwritten rules: nitpicky reviews, not fixing real problems - Documented rules: no more debate, but requires manual work - Automatic tools --- count: false # Comparing Company Style Rules From bad to good: - No rules: confusing, free-for-all - Unwritten rules: nitpicky reviews, not fixing real problems - Documented rules: no more debate, but requires manual work - Automatic tools: no more debate, no more work