CSET-105 Week 3

Project: Choose Your Own Adventure

Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books? You would read a page and then have to make a decision, and based on that decision you would flip to that page and see what happened. Every time you read the book, it could be a totally different story.

It might surprise you, but you have all the basic tools to build your own adventure game in code. I've got it started for you, so this project is to take my code and run as far as you can with it!


  1. Go to the repl.it page for our class and scroll down until you see the Projects section.
  2. Click the project title Choose Your Own Adventure and this will create a fork, your very own copy of my starter project.
  3. Click the Run button and play through the game a few times while reading the code. Try to follow along from function to function and see how the program works.


Now it's your turn. Use this file to create your own game. You can use all of the starter code and add more scenes and decisions to it. Or you can change the starter code, or even delete it all, to do your own thing. Here's the requirements:
