CSET-110 Web Development I

Week 1: The Internet, HTTP, and HTML

Main Objective: To learn how computers communicate over the web and build a basic web page.


  1. The Internet
  2. Basic HTML
  3. Practice: Basic HTML


You will build a resume, but for the web using HTML. If you don't already have a resume prepared, spend the week trying to make one in something like Microsoft Word. If you have the content prepared already, it will be easier to build the page.

Follow the project instructions as best you can. You can ask for help from your team or the tutors, if needed. All work is due at the end of class on Friday, September 25th.


Follow these guidelines to answer the following questions. Due at the end of class on Friday, September 25th. Remember this is CSET-110, so your file should be at the following path: cset/110/assessment-1.md.


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