Week 4: Responsive Design
Main Objective: To learn techniques for consistent and adaptive design for modern devices.
Follow the project instructions as best you can. You can ask for help from your team or the tutors, if needed. All work is due at the end of class on Friday, October 16th.
Follow these guidelines
to answer the following questions. Due at the end of class on Friday,
October 16th. Your file should be at the following path:
- We learned Web Development because it is a standard way to create user interfaces across platforms, but then we learned all of the non-standard aspects that we have to look out for. What does that tell you about building other platform specific user interfaces?
- Show two examples of CSS Media Queries that use different Media Features. Explain how the user agent will decide to use those rulesets or not.
- Do you think it is better to define Breakpoints using standard device sizes or using the specific content on your site? Why?