CSET-110 Week 4

Project: Responsive Landing Page

In this project, you can practice your responsive design skills by building a "Landing Page." These are simple sites set up for a specific marketing or advertising campaign. They are where the user lands after clicking an ad or link from an email.

Look at the finished product to see how it responds to different screens sizes. The requirements below list all these changes. Yours doesn't have to look exactly the same, feel free to add your own flair. But make sure you complete the responsive requirements.


  1. Go to the GitHub repository with the starter code.
  2. Click the Fork button in the top right to make your own copy of the repository.
  3. On your repo, click the green Code button and copy the repo's git URL.
  4. Open your terminal and navigate to your folder for projects: cd ~/code
  5. Use git to download your repo using the copied URL: git clone <URL>

To submit the project:

  1. As you are working, use the Edit-Add-Commit workflow to track your changes with git.
  2. When you are done, you can push all the commits to GitHub at once with the git push command.



Total: 30 pts