class: middle # .eight[CSET 155:] ## .eight[Database Design] --- class: middle # SQL vs NoSQL --- class: middle # Agenda 1. [ ] [Why SQL?](#sql) 2. [ ] [More on Normalization](#normalization) 3. [ ] [Types of NoSQL](#types) 4. [ ] [Relational vs Document DBs](#document) 5. [ ] [Intro to MongoDB](#mongo) --- name: sql # Why SQL? We've reviewed the keywords and syntax, but let's look at the big picture: - Uses .eight[schemas] to enforce normalization. - Keeps entity data .eight[distributed] across multiple tables. - Allows .eight[relationships] between entities using joins and keys. --- # Why SQL? The benefits: - .fourteen[You never have to worry about records not having fields.] - .fourteen[You can think about one simple entity at a time.] - .fourteen[You can still represent a complex mapping between related entities with rules to enforce them.] --- # Why SQL? The drawbacks: - .eleven[Schemas aren't flexible.] - .eleven[Simple entities require more relationships, making some things more complicated than they need to be.] - .eleven[Distributed data in tables limits can lead to performance and scaling problems.] --- name: normalization # More on Normalization Read up on the [formal rules for normalization.]( _Notice that satisfying the 1NF requires adding more tables when records can't be added without **altering** the table._ --- name: types # Types of NoSQL "Anything That Isn't SQL" isn't very descriptive... - .eight[Document]: MongoDB, CouchDB, etc. - .eight[Key-Value]: Redis, DynamoDB, etc. - .eight[Graph]: OrientDB, Neo4j, etc. - .eight[Wide-Column]: Cassandra, etc. - .eight[Search]: Elasticsearch, etc. --- name: document class: middle, center # Relational vs Document ### [Academind: MySQL vs MongoDB]( --- name: mongo # Intro to MongoDB - [Data Modeling a Document]( - [CRUD Operations]( - [Data Types]( Try it out with their [Getting Started guide](