Lab: Finding Implicit Bias

We all have implicit bias. It's impossible to avoid it since we categorize the world in order to live in it. Currently, there are no definitive methods to remove our biases so the only thing we can do is try and recognize them. Being made aware of biases you might not have even known about will hopefully make you recognize when you are unconsciously acting on those biases.

Remember, this activity is not a challenge to see if you have the least amount of bias. This is a challenge to see what you do with the knowledge you gain about yourself.

The Tests

Project Implicit is an on-going study in psychology started by professors from three universities in 1998. They've created a series of Implicit Association Tests that can measure cognitive bias of many aspects of society. Each test is a short sorting exercise that makes you categorize words or images in quick succession.

Find Your Bias

Your goal is to uncover a bias you didn't know you had. Go to the Project Implicit website, read the instructions and click the link to proceed. Choose an Implicit Association Test (IAT) that seems interesting and see the results. You should keep taking tests until you reveal a bias, but I encourage you to take more for your own edification. Then, I want you to write a couple of paragraphs on how this bias might affect your career:

Submit your work in the portal for the assignment Lab: Finding Implicit Bias.