Lab 06: Dark Patterns

Dark Patterns are a scary sounding term for a group of design decisions for user interfaces that trick users into doing something. Harry Brignull, a UX designer with a PhD in Cognitive Science, created the term in order to shame companies that incorporate these patterns into their products.

Read his article to get a better picture of these patterns.

Types of Dark Patterns

These Dark Patterns can be split into smaller categories. You are going to partner up with someone and pick a type from this page. Read the page about the type of dark pattern and try to understand it.

Try and Trick Us

Now that you understand your dark pattern, see if you can make a static HTML site that features it. Make as many pages as you need for your pattern, but keep them pretty simple with minimal styling. Use stock images or lorem ipsum to fill out your page if you need it.

You and your partner will present your site and teach the rest of us about the dark pattern you employed.